12 research outputs found

    Formats of Winning Strategies for Six Types of Pushdown Games

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    The solution of parity games over pushdown graphs (Walukiewicz '96) was the first step towards an effective theory of infinite-state games. It was shown that winning strategies for pushdown games can be implemented again as pushdown automata. We continue this study and investigate the connection between game presentations and winning strategies in altogether six cases of game arenas, among them realtime pushdown systems, visibly pushdown systems, and counter systems. In four cases we show by a uniform proof method that we obtain strategies implementable by the same type of pushdown machine as given in the game arena. We prove that for the two remaining cases this correspondence fails. In the conclusion we address the question of an abstract criterion that explains the results

    Tree Automata Make Ordinal Theory Easy

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    We give a new simple proof of the decidability of the First Order Theory of (wwi,+)(w^{w^i},+) and the Monadic Second Order Theory of (wi,<)(w^i,<), improving the complexity in both cases. Our algorithm is based on tree automata and a new representation of (sets of) ordinals by (infinite) trees

    Uniform solution of parity games on prefix-recognizable graphs

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    Walukiewicz gave in 1996 a solution for parity games on pushdown graphs: he proved the existence of pushdown strategies and determined the winner with an EX-PTIME procedure. We give a new presentation and a new algorithmic proof of these results, obtain a uniform solution for parity games (independent of their initial configu-ration), and extend the results to prefix-recognizable graphs. The winning regions of the players are proved to be effectively regular, and winning strategies are computed.

    Jeux sur des graphes d'automates Ă  pile et leurs extensions

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    On considĂšre des jeux Ă  deux joueurs sur des familles de graphes infinis.Notre but est de dĂ©terminer le gagnant et de calculer une stratĂ©gie gagnante. Nous avons considĂ©rĂ© diffĂ©rentes conditions de gain : accessibilitĂ©, BĂŒchi (rĂ©currence), Sigma3, paritĂ©, et diffĂ©rentes classes de graphes depuis les graphes de transition des automates Ă  pile jusqu'aux graphes de la hiĂ©rarchie de Caucal et aux automates Ă  pile d'ordre supĂ©rieur. Deux types de mĂ©thodes ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es : une approche symbolique fondĂ©e sur des automates finis, et des techniques de jeu-simulation. L'approche symbolique permet de reprĂ©senter et de manipuler des ensembles infinis de configurations. La jeu-simulation consiste Ă  rĂ©duire un jeu donnĂ© Ă  un autre jeu plus simple que l'on sait rĂ©soudre, puis d'en dĂ©duire le gagnant et une stratĂ©gie gagnante dans le jeu initial. À chaque fois des algorithmes ont Ă©tĂ© donnĂ©s pour calculer le gagnant et une stratĂ©gie gagnante (Ă  coup sĂ»r).RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The complexity of games on higher order pushdown automata

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    Abstract. We prove an n-exptime lower bound for the problem of deciding the winner in a reachability game on Higher Order Pushdown Automata (HPDA) of level n. This bound matches the known upper bound for parity games on HPDA. As a consequence the ”-calculus model checking over graphs given by n-HPDA is n-exptime complete.

    Solving Pushdown Games with a ∑3 Winning Condition

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    Solving Pushdown Games with a Sigma_3 Winning Condition

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    We study infinite two-player games over pushdown graphs with a winning condition that refers explicitly to the infinity of the game graph: A play is won by player 0 if some vertex is visited infinity often during the play. We show that the set of winning plays is a proper Sigma-3-set in the Borel hierarchy, thus transcending the Boolean closure of Sigma-2-sets which arises with the standard automata theoretic winning conditions (such as the Muller, Rabin, or parity condition). We also show that this Sigma-3-game over pushdown graphs can be solved effectively (by a computation of the winning region of player 0 and his memoryless winning strategy). This seems to be a first example of an effectively solvable game beyond the second level of the Borel hierarchy